Piper Cave, Smith County, Tennessee
April 2024
Gate Type: WINDOW
Imagine a large, critically important cave used by Federally endangered gray bats. Imagine that saltpeter miners labored for years to extract a crucial ingredient for gunpowder from the cave’s sediments, abruptly abandoning everything in the cave when the Civil War ended. Now imagine a doomsday prepper buying the cave, bulldozing the entire cave floor (relics and all), and moving a full-sized RV into the cave along with barrels of supplies, a hot tub, and other “necessities” for riding out armageddon. Now you have Piper Cave. Cory Holliday of the Tennessee Chapter of The Nature Conservancy spent several years and tens of thousands of hard-fought dollars to restore this cave to a semblance of its former grand self. The last step was installing a bat gate on the main entrance. This is where we came in. All photos © Jim Kennedy.