No job too tough, no site too remote!
We do the jobs that scare away everyone else.
Cave Gators (a division of Kennedy Above/Under Ground, LLC) is the pre-eminent company in the United States specializing in bat-friendly closures on caves and abandoned mines.
Examples of some typical Bat Gates:

The Cupola Gate on Powells Cave in Texas is a crucial feature for the safety of the thousands of Cave Myotis and Tricolored Bats that inhabit this cave, including those that are candidates for federal listing due to declines caused by White Nose Syndrome. This gate was constructed in just two days and allows for adequate flight space for the bats emerging from a vertical or pit-like entrance, while researchers can access the gate via a lockable removable bar.
The Chute Gate with a bay window at Bat Cave in Missouri is a unique and challenging engineering feat, designed to extend beyond the cave’s dripline and upward to prevent unauthorized access. This gate type required a cable Highline to transport materials and equipment to its cliffside location. The gate was awarded the US Forest Service’s “Wings Across the Americas” award and is one of two we built at Bat Cave to protect its cave-dwelling species.

We installed a 70-foot-wide Basic Gate at Weaver Cave in Alabama, providing maximum flight space for federally-Endangered Gray Bats and Indiana Bats. This gate, like all the gates we install, ensures the safety of these vulnerable species by preventing unauthorized access and harmful human disturbance.