Key Cave, Lauderdale County, Alabama
March 2021
Key Cave National Wildlife Refuge was purchased to protect the cave, an important summer roost for the Endangered gray bay (Myotis grisescens). The cave also has fragile archeological deposits, and is the only known site for the critically Endangered Alabama Cavefish (Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni). However, Refuge management focused solely on food plots for waterfowl, completely ignoring the cave. Locals figured this out quickly, and breached the chain link fence surrounding the cave in several places in order to gain access. Meanwhile, organized cavers followed the rules and avoided the site. We spent three weeks working on this project, losing almost a week because our steel delivery didn’t show up when promised. And then there was the hurricane. But we persevered, and built the largest Powers Fence to date, over 290 feet (89m). All photos © Jim Kennedy.